Frequently Asked Questions
Who do I contact with questions?
Scoutmaster: Ned Farnkopf
Committee Chair: Edward Miller
Advancement Chair: Beth Bailey-Gates
Registrar/Med Forms: Alison Snow
Treasurer: Tom Tuhtan
Merit Badge Counselor Coordinator: Denise Miller
Marin Council (Trading Post): 415-454-1081
How can I learn more about Troop 59?
Please use this link to review Troop 59’s New Scout and Parent Handbook. It contains general boy scouting information and guidance as well as specific Troop 59 information.
When and where do the scouts hold meetings?
Troop meetings are Wednesday nights from 7:30-8:30 pm at the Masonic Lodge in Larkspur, CA. The first Wednesday of each month is devoted to Advancement for scouts.
How are Scouts and parents kept informed?
Troop 59 maintains this web site and sends regular troop-wide emails through Scout Manager. All registered Scouts and their parents are provided a link to Scout Manager and asked to check it periodically to make sure the contact information is correct.
Each Patrol should meet monthly outside of the troop meetings and the Patrol Leaders call the Scouts in their patrol to keep the Scouts informed about PLC and troop activities.
How can parents help the troop?
All parents are encouraged to help in some way. When many parents volunteer a little bit of their time, it makes it easier on everyone, and really benefits the Scouts. Parents can volunteer to be Merit Badge Counselors, assist as drivers for scout outings, join the Troop Committee, assist with fundraising, Courts of Honor organization, Boards of Review, Friends of Scouting etc. Parents are also encouraged to take the required training to help as an Assistant Scoutmaster or Committee member.
All adults who volunteer with the Troop are required to complete online Youth Protection Training. We are always looking for parents to get involved with the troop. Contact the Committee Chair to learn how you can participate.
Who is Troop 59’s chartering organization?
Bon Air Shopping Center
Can I visit Troop 59?
Yes! Any boys and parent or den leader can visit Troop 59’s meetings. All we ask is that you contact the Scoutmaster to verify the troop schedule as the troop sometimes meets at alternative locations.
Are uniforms required?
Yes, uniforms are one of the methods of scouting. Scouts wear field (aka Class A) uniforms to all troop meetings and when traveling. Scouts wear activity (aka Class B) uniforms for informal events, including the monthly Advancement night meetings.
How much are dues?
Annual dues are $150 per Scout. This includes BSA registration fees, blue Troop 59 neckerchief (when the scout earns Tenderfoot rank), Boy’s Life subscription, and all award, rank and special achievement badges. The cost of outings varies depending on the particular destination, distance from home and other factors Monthly campouts usually cost from $15-$30 and summer camp (7 days) is around $350. The troop asks that all scouts maintain a positive balance to cover the cost of activities in their scout account. It is preferred that scouts maintain a balance of at least $100 in their scout account.
How can Scouts earn money for summer camp and monthly camping trips?
The troop has an ongoing fundraiser for scouts selling emergency preparedness backpacks. The troop also has an annual fundraiser selling holiday greens. Some Scouts have earned their summer camp fees this way.
What do I need to buy for my son?
Scouts will need a field (Class A) uniform for meetings with all appropriate patches (council, troop number) and a scout handbook.
Scouts will need basic camping equipment such as a good quality sleeping bag, sleeping pad, good hiking boots, mess kit, headlamp, etc. Tents are a good idea but new scouts can often share a tent until they know what kind of tent they would like to bring on outings.
The troop provides a stove, cooking pots and utensils and a lantern for all outings.