New Parent Information
For 100 years, Scouting programs have instilled in youth the values found in the Scout Oath and Scout Law. Today, these values are just as relevant in helping youth grow to their full potential as they were in 1910. Scouting helps youth develop academic skills, self-confidence, ethics, leadership skills, and citizenship skills that influence their adult lives.
The Boy Scouts of America provides youth with programs and activities
that allow them to:
Try New Things
Provide Service to Others
Build Self-Confidence
Reinforce ethical standards
While various activities and youth groups teach basic skills and promote
teamwork, Scouting goes beyond that and encourages youth to achieve a
deeper appreciation for service to others in their community.
Scouting provides youth with a sense that they are important as individuals.
It is communicated to them that those in the Scouting family care about what
happens to them, regardless of whether a game is won or lost.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, Scouting promotes activities that lead to personal responsibility and high self-esteem. As a result, when hard decisions have to be made, peer pressure can be resisted and the right choices can be made.
Welcoming New Scouts Into The Troop
Our goal is to make your new scout feel welcome as a full fledged participating member and an integral part of our troop from day one.
New Scouts will be placed in their own separate patrol with other new or younger scouts while they work on achieving their first rank of Tenderfoot. This helps builds a common bond among other scouts of similar age. It also provides an environment that allows the new scouts to begin building their leadership, personal responsibility, and self governance skills.
The new scout patrol is assigned an older, experienced scout who serves as their “Troop Guide” to teach scout skills, help break the ice and get them interacting with other scouts in the troop..
A dedicated Trail to First Class (TTFC) campout is held twice a year to help new and existing scouts complete the requirements for all ranks leading to First Class
Significant interactions, involvement and focus by our leadership core along with our Scoutmaster.
To further instill the scouting sprit and the bonding with the troop, it is highly recommended and encourage that all new scouts attend summer camp during their first year….it’s a great time and experience!
Troop Organization
“The object of the patrol method is not so much saving the Scoutmaster trouble as to give responsibility to the boy.” - Lord Baden-Powell
A fundamental principle of Scouting is that troops be Boy Led. The Troop is led by the Senior Patrol Leader, elected by all Scouts in the Troop. The Troop is then divided into patrols. Each patrol is made up of 6-10 Scouts led by a Patrol Leader, with as many age groups as possible represented. Patrols develop an individual identity, with a special Patrol patch, flag, and yell. Patrols sit and work together at Troop meetings, and camp/eat together during campouts. Patrols may also have Patrol meetings separate from Troop meetings.
Troop Leadership
All members of the Troop 59 Scout Leadership are elected semi-annually by the Scouts in the troop. New leaders meet after election to help develop goals for the Troop and plan activities for the next year (reviewing the upcoming six months and creating a plan for the following six months). Additionally, each month the Patrol Leaders’ Council reviews the prior month’s activities and refines the plan for the following month. Members of the Patrol Leaders’ Council are the Senior Patrol Leader, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, all Patrol Leaders, all Troop Guides, and the Scribe.
Patrol Method
Troop 59 uses the “Patrol Method.” The Patrol method gives Boy Scouts an experience in successfully working with others, learning and teaching new skills as well as experience in citizenship. The Patrol Method allows Scouts to act in small groups where they work cooperatively to accomplish goals, to learn teamwork, leadership, and basic camping skills. The Scouts are the ones who make the decisions about where to go on outings and the activities that will occur on those outings. Scouts are the ones who are responsible for tent pitching, meal planning, preparation and cleanup. They receive guidance from adults when necessary. Scouts take on a fair amount of responsibility. Doing so allows the boys to grow, learn, and practice decision-making.
Campouts & Monthly Activities
Monthly campouts usually consists of two nights out. Scouts typically leave Friday early evening and return on Sunday by early afternoon.
Monthly Campouts typically cost between $25 to $35 and Summer Camp in the range of $350 to $550 (est.)
Fees cover food, transportation costs and campgrounds fees.
Camping & activities fees can be paid from the Scout’s personal “Scout Account”.
The troop provides Tents and Patrol Boxes (which contain cooking equipment) along with troop related supplies for the activities.
A minimum of two Scoutmasters/Adults will be present at all events.
Adult family members are invited and encouraged to attend campouts and activities.
Please note that during campouts, adults must sleep in their own tent or in a tent with other adults.
Each Scout is expected to have the necessary personal equipment to camp safely. Each boy should do their own planning and packing of their items at home. Scouts are responsible for bringing their personal gear. Please review our sample packing list for weekend outings.
Participation from all adults is needed to enable all of our sons to have the opportunity to go on as many outings as possible. We are fortunate that we have never had to limit the number of Scouts on a campout due to transportation problems; however, that is only possible with the full cooperation of all adults.
Fund Raisers
Currently our two main fundraisers are:
Greens & Wreath sales from October to December
Emergency Packs all year round
Scout Account
Upon joining the troop, each scout is set up with an individual “Scout Account” with funds provided by their family or credits from fundraising.
Scouts can use funds in their individual Scout Account to pay for Campouts, Summer Camp and Scouting related items – these must meet the approval of the Troop Committee.
Required Paperwork
BSA APPLICATION (one time) & Personal information for TroopMaster software program (one time).
PERMISSION SLIPS for each activity (campouts, service projects, beach day, etc.)—recurring
BSA HEALTH AND MEDICAL RECORD form (required for camping and outdoor activities)
—updated annually for both scouts and adults who want to participate in activities.
Annual dues are $150 per Scout. This includes BSA registration fees, blue Troop 59 neckerchief (when the scout earns Tenderfoot rank), Boy’s Life subscription, and all award, rank and special achievement badges. The cost of outings varies depending on the particular destination, distance from home and other factors. Monthly campouts usually cost from $15-$30 and summer camp (7 days) is around $350. The troop asks that all scouts maintain a positive balance to cover the cost of activities in their scout account. Scouts should maintain a balance of at least $100 in their scout account.
“The uniform makes for brotherhood, since when universally adopted it covers up all differences of class and country.” – Lord Baden-Powell
Troop 59 uses two Scout uniforms. The official Class "A" uniform is worn at Boy Scout meetings and functions. Class A is a Scout uniform shirt with appropriate patches, Scout belt and buckle, Scout neckerchief (provided to new Scouts by the Troop) and slide and Scout pants. A Merit badge sash which is worn to display badges will eventually be required but is not needed right away.
Troop 59 Scouts wear the Class "B" uniform to outings and campouts, during the day at summer camp. Class B is a BSA or Troop T-shirt. Troop T-shirts are available from the Troop quartermaster.
Important note: Scouts are expected to travel to and from campouts and summer camp in Class A uniforms, including neckerchiefs.
Scout uniforms can be purchased at the Marin Council Trading Post at 225 West End Avenue San Rafael, CA or on-line at