Join Our Scouting Program
If you're new to Boy Scouts and thinking about joining the program, or are currently a Cub Scout looking for a troop to join, we hope that you'll consider Troop 59. Scouting is a great program, offering a wide range of opportunities for boys ages 10 to 18. Boy Scout troops vary widely in size, activities, and programs. When looking for a troop to join, it's important to make sure you find a "good fit" — leaders, scouts, activities and overall "feel" should be a good match. Troop 59 sets our activities to best meet both the immediate and long term needs of our Scouts.
We strive to maintain a balanced program of activities throughout the year to challenge the Scouts both mentally and physically, emphasizing leadership and character development in the Scouting tradition. Our past activities serve as examples of the program you can expect from Troop 59 in the years ahead.
Scouting is far more than camping, hiking and games. Scouting is also about character, values and community service. As a Boy-led troop, Troop 59 emphasizes the values embodied in the Scout Law and our Scouts regularly participate in a wide range of community support activities.
We hope that Troop 59 will be part of your Scouting experience. Should you have any questions or would like to arrange a visit to one of our troop meetings, please use the form below.
Meet Us
We meet the first, third and fourth Tuesday of the month at 7:00PM at the Masonic Lodge in Larkspur. A parent or guardian should accompany his/her son to a troop meeting at the time the decision is made to join Troop 59. A membership packet will be given to the parent for review and for completion of the necessary forms.
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