Troop 59 Welcomes New Scouts
Troop 59 welcomes our newly bridged Scouts from Pack 50 and Pack 59. Thirteen Scouts from Pack 50 bridged on March 13 and another six joined us from Pack 59 on March 20. Scouts from Troop 59 including our SPL Liam Birmingham joined our new recruits at the Bridging ceremony accompanied by 59 Scouts Zac Farnkopf, Gavin Kurnik, Oliver Snow and Jake Hunenberg who represented the Order of the Arrow in the Four Winds ceremony. More of Troop 59 joined us on Friday March 20 to help welcome their former Pack 59 members.

We hope that parents of our new Scouts will join us on Wednesday, March 25 at 7:30pm for a New Parent orientation meeting. Parents will need to complete a BSA Youth Application, medical form and Parent Resource Survey to finish their paperwork for the Troop (see Registration).