Shooting Sports at Tamarancho

The very successful shooting sports campout was held November 3rd through 5th in 2017 up at Tamarancho. We had around 20 of our scouts arrive on Friday evening, where we set up at the Sunrise campground. The next morning, the cooks woke up early to do the patrol cooking and we went over to meet the committee head, Mr. Angerman, to do the service project on the ranges. We worked on the rifle range cleaning up brush, painting and cleaned up the whole area. At the tomahawk range, Scouts replaced throwing rounds, fixed a number of the target supports, and cleared brush. At the archery ranges we cleared more brush and did general maintenance. All this work and we were rewarded with time on each of the ranges. The .22 were a highlight with Mr. Barton and Mr. Angerman, but the tomahawks with Mrs. Pontious and Mr. Farnkopf were a lot of fun. Mr. Pritchard led the archery and it was really great to have all the ranges to ourselves. Because of all the recent rains, we were able to have a campfire that night to round out a successful day. Thank you to all the Scouts who joined in the fun weekend and to the adults who helped make it happen. Special thanks yous to Henry and Kai who helped me lead the weekend, and to Mr. Pritchard who was our adult leader.